Our visit to Alaska was great, but way too short. As always, we packed as much in as we possibly could: a baby shower for Patrick, Julie, and their new baby girls, catching up with friends and family, a marathon relay, and Conor was even able to go through his old childhood He-Man collection to get it ready for Ebay (anyone interested?). Collin, who is only a few months younger than Lillie, greeted her with open arms and they had a ball giving each other hugs and kisses.
This was the all-star marathon relay team who ran the Mayor's Midnight Sun Marathon, consisting of Jenna, Catherine, Conor, and Terrill. They called their team "The Why-Nots," which was very appropriate since they didn't really form until a few days before the actual race. You may recall that Conor ran this very marathon back in 2005, so of course he was excited to be back in it, but this time as the anchor to the relay. They all did really well and ended up having a great time.

Before we left to head back to Chicago, we were able to enjoy the Sullivan June Birthday and Father's Day party, and on such a short trip, it was nice to be able to see so much family at one time. It's always fun when our trips coincide with these get-togethers. It was sad to say goodbye since we're not exactly sure when we'll be back. Most likely it won't be this year, but we're hoping for a trip early next year.