Collin and Lillie were having fun playing peek-a-boo in the curtains. Today we head to the Cubs game with the whole gang. Two games in one week for me?! I love it.
Seven Months
At seven months, Quinn has gotten two teeth and is closer yet to crawling. He's mastered pushing backwards and doing the downward dog, but no forward crawling yet. He's eating solid foods now and would prefer to eat the good stuff that we're eating over that silly "baby food." He is still as smiley as can be and loves to be happy.
My Birthday Cake
Yesterday was my birthday and I had a fabulous day! Conor told me I could pick any cake I wanted and he would make it for me. I had to think long and hard about this one...any cake I wanted?! The possibilities, oh the possibilities. I finally decided on this Strawberry Country Cake and it was so good. Conor really outdid himself this time. I had to go back for a second piece, and am already drooling thinking about eating the leftovers tonight for dinner.
After cake and ice cream last night, Conor and I went to the Cubs game, he surprised me with the tickets earlier in the day. It was great to get out of the house just the two of us and enjoy the (chilly) baseball weather. And yes, I did help myself to a beer and hot dog even though we'd just stuffed ourselves with yummy cake, and I'd do it again!
Cousins II: The Alaskans Visit
We're loving that this week, the Sullivan Four are the Sullivan Eight! Everyone arrived a couple nights ago...a little tired and hungry, but ready for fun.
It was a full room with these three bunking together. The little ones really enjoyed Shanleigh's reading of Goodnight Moon before hitting the hay.
Fun with Cousins
We found ourselves in Ohio for a last minute visit a couple weeks ago, and I think Lillie wanted to stay there with all her cousins (and of course, Quinn is always up for anything!) She couldn't wait for them to get home from school so they could all go play on the trampoline...not so much jumping on it, as drawing on it with chalk.
More fun with cousins is just around the corner, as our Alaska cousins will be visiting us all next week. We can't wait!
Under the Sea
We took an underwater disposable camera with us on vacation back in February and I just got around to getting it developed yesterday. It was a little weird to have to go drop off film and pick it up, I didn't know how it worked these days. But it's just like riding a bicycle, it all comes back to you! We got these awesome shots and I absolutely adore the old-time feel the film camera adds. Poor Quinn, this is the only photo we got of him...he's not quite the fish that Lillie is these days.

Today, for the first time, Lillie picked out every piece of clothing she's wearing. She did it all by herself! She was the best-dressed girl at the playground.
Can You Taste Them?
These turned into these...
...and they were delicious! Loving our Pancake Sunday on the grill, wish you were here.
Lillie's First Sleepover
Oh my, is she really getting this big? Yes, this is Lillie's first sleepover with her friend Katie. All day long, Lillie could talk about nothing more than Katie spending the night tonight. To be fair, it wasn't a sleepover in the true sense of the word (at least as I know it.) There were no movies and popcorn or late night gabbing. Katie's parents were going to be back late, so we offered to have her sleep over and have a slumber party! Quinn is bunking with us for the night so the girls can share the room. Sweet dreams girls.
Happy Easter
We had a great Easter yesterday, and hope you did too. Lillie found all the eggs the Easter bunny left and enjoyed eating all the candy he left behind! We also spent a lot of time out back playing with an awesome bubble machine sent from Ohio. The weather was beautiful during the day and then our first thunderstorm of the season rolled in at the end of the day. Spring is here...hooray!
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