One Year

Quinn, at one year you:

can walk

love to chase your big sister

play peek-a-boo with your hands over your ears instead of your eyes

laugh ALL the time

love to get everyone else laughing by snorting

aren't a big fan of eating if it's not what everyone else is eating

refuse cow's milk

can play independently

have started swim class and have really taken to it

are beside yourself excited when dad comes home from absolutely makes your day

have eight teeth

can sign one word, and it's an important one: "more"

love to play pat-a-cake and make us put our arms in place to get started

light up when taking a bath and splashing with Lillie

love giving out kisses

are wearing some 2T clothes

can kind of say lillie (yee-yee), da-da and ma-ma

are a beautiful little boy with a big heart