When Our Princess Turned Four

Let's take a ride back to November of last year, when Lillie had a royal birthday party to celebrate turning four. With Adele being so young, we thought it would be easier to have a small celebration outside of the house and have (what we thought would be) less work to do. It was a huge success, and by the end of the day Lillie couldn't be happier. We invited two of her best buds to come with us downtown to a special salon to get princess makeovers, complete with and up-do and manicure. Quinn wanted to get in on the action the entire time, even holding his hands out when it came time to do the nails. 

After getting all princess-fied, we headed over the the Rainforest Cafe where it was mostly a fun time, except for the all-too-real-sounding fake thunderstorm that came every 30 minutes inside the rainforest. One of her poor friends got so scared I had to take her outside every time the thunder came around!

But when it came time for cake, all was right in the world again! Lillie requested a strawberry lemon cake in the shape of a princess. Yep, Lillie is a girl that knows what she wants. So I made this lemon cake (my mom said it reminded her of my grandma's lemon cake) with a buttercream icing. The strawberries didn't exactly make it in to the mix, but Lillie didn't miss them.  Of course we had to make Cinderella, because Cinderella is her favorite princess. Thanks to Grandma Susan for giving her all the cute characters you see in the background. I can't wait to see what she picks for her birthday this year!

Adele at 12 Months

Adele, at one year you:

love giving kisses

squeal like crazy

have four teeth

stand on your own (mostly when you don't notice you are doing it)

suck your thumb when stressed and are tired

point to the sky at the sound of an airplane

smile so big that your eyes disappear

have been sleeping through the night for ten months

prefer to bear crawl rather than normal crawl

can say "mama," "dada," and "this"

can sign "more" and "all done"

have found that peaches are your favorite food

figured out how to put mom and dad's hands together for patty cake

love to play with the toy kitchen

want to be where your big brother and sister are, and play with what they have

are an amazing little girl that brings light to our lives everyday