A Summer of Visitors - Part I

I had a nice little emergency surgery back in May, did you hear? My surgeon said I had a "very angry" gallbladder that needed to be removed immediately. So, one day I was visiting with some friends - having a very normal day, and the next, I was in more pain than I ever imagined possible (and I've had three kids, one weighing 10lbs 5oz)!

My surgery came and went and I spent a total of 3.5 days in the e/r and hospital (infections, severe pain, fevers, blah, blah, blah). Needless to say our life got flipped, turned upside down, and we were all rescued by Aunt Catie.

Thanks to her extended visit, the kids were taken care of while Conor spent time at the hospital with me, I was able to recover as the doctors had requested...no lifting anything over 10 lbs (ok, I mostly stuck to that rule), and Aunt Catie realized what life is like with three little ones running circles around you, quite literally! She made it through, always with a smile on her face.

She was a rock star and I don't know how we would have done it without her!!

Walking a Mile in Daddy's Shoes

While going through our photos from the year, I came across this one, taken a few month ago. Quinn was so proud. I never want to let these moments go. 

(Is this too much to post on the blog? I thought it was too cute not to share!)

First Day of School 2012

Lillie and Quinn both have big days today. Lillie starts preschool at a new school where she'll go five days a week! Quinn moves up, a month early, to be in the "three's" class at his school, where he'll go two days a week. 

As they went to bed last night, they were both very excited - so it was no surprise that they were early to wake, and made their appearance upstairs at 6:30, ready to take on the day. Dad made a special breakfast of scrambled eggs and waffles, which Quinn immediately tore through. Lillie had a couple bites and declared she was full. Turns out, our social butterfly was getting her first case of the butterflies, and was having a hard time not only eating, but using her legs to stand. As the morning progressed, she got more nervous. 

Quinn decided he was still hungry and ate Lillie's breakfast too. Loving the excitement of the morning, he was in the best mood we've seen him in for weeks (he's getting over a stomach bug and a growth spurt, we think). At his drop off, he went right up to his new teacher and saw his friends waiting to play with him and was good to go. 

Here's Lillie standing in front of the doors getting ready to go into her new school. Once we got inside and she saw her new teacher, classmates, and fun toys, she seemed to be more at ease. She went straight to the circle rug where everyone was listening to a book being read and sat down next to a new friend. That's our Lillie, brave, strong, and beautiful in every way. I can't wait to pick them both up and hear all the stories they'll no doubt be excited to tell.