He's here! We're proud to introduce Quinn Russell Sullivan born on September 28 at a whopping 10 pounds 5 ounces! It's been way too long since our last post, we know. While things are understandably a bit busy right now, we're hoping to be much better about letting everyone know what's going on here in Chicago.
Quinn is a rock star already, sleeping very soundly for most of the day. We're getting more and more chances to see his eyes open as the days go on, and they are looking to be blue just like his big sister. Lillie is also a rock star of a big sister, helping Mom and Dad with his burping and being our diaper changing aid. Everyone has settled in nicely in the last couple of weeks, and we're so glad to be the Sullivan Four...finally.
Come all without! Come all within! I've not seen nothing like the Mighty Quinn! He's guuuurgeous! Carey, you and Con make beautiful babies!