Lillie, at 30 months you:
have chosen Mary Poppins as your favorite movie and when you want to watch it, you request Mary Muffins or Mary Puffins
love to sing all the songs from the movie, but supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is your favorite (with spoonful of sugar coming in a close second)
dance (actually, it's more like march) around the house with your purple umbrella while singing "super-cali-docious! um diddy aye, um diddy aye!"
play "dr. lillie" and look forward to going into the real doctor's office because you get to lay on the paper
give mom massages and call yourself a "moose" instead of masseuse
sing "rain, rain go away, come again another way"
would much rather run places than ride in the stroller
find matching colors in the world around you
have an imaginary friend called magic man, and he's everywhere you are
have successfully potty trained
constantly want to know "what dat noise?" and "what we doin?"
can write many letters, and can write an L better than you can say it
say upside down as "right side down"
are waiting for Quinn to get bigger to give him your full attention
have had your first haircut and you were so brave
have all but one of your three year molars
can get dressed all by yourself
love being outside
love to help do anything in the kitchen
have come a long way baby!