Another birthday. Lillie, at two years you:
are almost three feet tall
love your baby brother to pieces
have started jumping off of everything, with no fear
are miss independent
can do somersaults over and over again
still love swim class
can identify most of the letters in the alphabet
sing songs by filling in the blank
recognize most numbers
still have a love for Elmo
can name many colors, but purple is still your favorite
love to run and fly kites
can climb up the jungle gym and slide down all by yourself
are talking in sentences
miss dad when he's away or flying on an "airbee"
love to talk on the phone (can with mom's iphone)
insist on taking the stairs all by yourself
love to draw and finger paint
get excited for pancake sunday (and who wouldn't!)
have brought two years of joy to your proud parents
Happy Happy Birthday Lillie