Snow Day Adventures

When life gives you snow, make a snowman! We've had a fairly mild winter in Chicago, so when we woke up to snow...snow that was accumulating, of course we got geared up to play outside. Here is a little summary of how it went:

Head outside and bask in the falling snow. Ohhhhh, it's so cool! Run around as fast as you can until you fall down. Again, and again.

Help Mom shovel the snow. The more we shovel, the more we have to make a snowman!

Meet Mr. Snowman. (Hey! Don't judge.)

Nice snowman. "Baby snowman!"

Hmm. I wonder. If I can just...

Hee, hee, hee. Yes! I got his head.

Take that Mr. Snowman!

Take a quick break to check on Quinn.

Make snow angel.

Smile for Mom.

Now get out there and make a snowman for yourself!

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