Six Months


Quinn, at six months you:

are rolling over like a pro

have started scooting backwards, on your way to crawling

sit in a high chair

loved your first time eating solids (yummy bananas)

think everything and everyone is funny

love to talk, sing, and laugh

are not sleeping through the night yet (much to mom and dad's dismay)

adore your big sister

have such a strong curiosity about the world around you

can sit up by yourself, but still fall over a lot

enjoy eating mom's chin

have tickle fests with dad

love to pull hair (much to lillie's dismay)

have traveled to ohio, indiana, miami, turks & caicos, new jersey, new york city, connecticut, and boston

are an extraordinary little boy

Happy six month birthday (two days ago.)

1 comment:

  1. Happy 6 months Quinn you are looking just fabulous Can't wait to see you soon
