And what a weekend it was! It's taken me a while to get back to posting this week...we're very busy with the big move.We had such a busy weekend. Our offer was officially accepted on Friday, and now have a place to live in Chicago. It's in a cute little area of Lakeview - we're very excited about it (more on the new abode still to come.)
Saturday was the Summer Solstice, and we had a little bbq with family and friends - one last get together before we pack up for good and leave for Chicago. It was so much fun, Lillie really enjoyed hanging out with everyone.
Then on Sunday, Lillie experienced her first Red Sox game! The Cardinals put up a good fight, but too bad for them the Sox were ready to impress our little one for her first MLB experience. We cornered Wally for a photo op, what luck! Lillie couldn't quite make it for the extra innings, but she had a blast while she was awake. After the game, we hopped on a Boston Pedicab to get back to our car. It was pretty cool to be pulled along in the open cart. Lillie was loving it!
What a great last hurrah for you all! Look out, Chi-town, here comes Lillie!