In more ways than one! We are officially no longer home owners, and we're now staying at a friend/co-worker's condo for the next few weeks. Lillie has her first tooth pushing through those little gums, and she's mastered moving backwards. I'm sure she'll change direction and start moving full steam ahead in the next couple of weeks.

It was a sad day when we had to say goodbye to Bartlett Street. This was our first home. It's where we brought our first child home from the hospital, and sadly, the only memories she'll have of her first home (and of Boston) will be through photos. Thankfully, we have plenty of those precious moments caught on film. There have certainly been many ups and downs with living in such an old building, but we did love that money pit. For now, we've moved only a few blocks away until we say goodbye to Boston forever. I guess we need baby steps to actually leave our lives here. First Conor starts his job in Chicago, then we ship all of our worldly possessions to Chicago and move out of our house, then I finish my job, then we'll take a one way flight to our new city. Oh but no, we won't be able to move into our new home right away, so we'll slowly get adjusted to living in Chicago for a few weeks while living in the corporate apartment, then we'll move into the new pad. Whew, maybe then life will slow down a bit (yeah right).

The technology available to us is severely limited these days, so we'll try to update the blog as best we can. We'll be in better shape come August.
Lastly, a big shout out to our friends Justin and Karen, who welcomed Anne Griffith Ferguson into the world in the wee hours of Sunday morning.
What a bittersweet time for you all -- Boston will miss you, that's for sure, but I'm sure Chicago will welcome you with open arms! Not to mention it's only a 6 hour flight to Anchorage from there! woo hoo!