Adele at Two Years

Adele, at two years you:

love to run and try to keep up with the big kids

could spend all your waking hours outside

sleep with your monkey

love to color with markers (we just wish it was on paper instead of your body)

love saying "beee doh, beee doh, beee doh," from Despicable Me 2

wear dresses and say "prrreeettty"

haven't had a haircut yet

take your baby for walks in the stroller

love to take walks in your stroller

can look at books for hours

love your brother and sister like crazy

have all your teeth (finally)

traveled to Florida, Boston, Connecticut, Alaska, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Ireland since your last birthday

love Chuck the truck, Handy Manny, and Dora the Explorer

will only listen to us singing I Will by the Beatles for bedtime

can play the "get me" game where we chase each other and end in a tickle fest (over and over again)

wear boots all day if we let you

love to play dress up

love your thumb when times get tough

are a force to be reckoned with, but also the sweetest thing around. 

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