First Day of School 2013

Here we go, the moment I thought would never come nearly six years ago when Lillie was born. She went off to school this morning, and I'm still in shock. It begins now. She's in school for the next thirteen years and I know that each year will move faster than the one before. I didn't expect to be emotional this morning as we said goodbye, but I was. I couldn't hold back the tears. Lillie was a rock star, as always. She was full of excitement and anticipation, with zero feelings of fear or anxiety (unlike last year where she was full of butterflies). I love that girl.

Quinn will continue to go to his preschool three days a week, but moved up a class to be with his four and five-year-old friends. He was excited for his day too, although he's been attending school all summer. The crazy part is that he'll have another full year of preschool before he can start Kindergarten. In the meantime, I'll cherish every moment with him while he's home.

Lillie was cool, calm, and collected once we got to her new school.

We found her cubby to hang up her backpack. It's almost like having a locker, which she cannot wait to have. Adele tried to sneak into someone's cubby but we caught her. No school for her yet!

Lillie said goodbye to her little sis and Dad with lots of love.

Then she came to give me a hug goodbye, and that's when the water works started. Our little girl isn't so little anymore, and she's off to start her school career.

Once she found her name at the table, she sat down and began her school day. Her first year in Kindergarten. She will be amazing and I can't wait to see how she continues to grow. figure out how to keep her brother and sister from growing up too!

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